As carbon farmers and practitioners may be aware, Te Uru Rakau - NZ Forest Service's new online system "Tupu-ake" is now active and is the sole means of access to carbon farmers' official Forestry ETS records. All Forestry ETS maintenance activities must proceed through Tupu-ake. The GIS Map Viewer facility for carbon forest carbon accounting area (CAA) records is located on Tupu-ake.
According to the Tupu-ake User Guide - Forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme (MPI 14 February 2023), the GIS Map Viewer is accessed via "ETS Forestry Group Activity Records". The CAA you wish to work with is located on the ETS Forestry Activity page, and is accessed by clicking on the CAA record. The image below shows the results of a request today to display a CAA:

We had seven staff attend an internal training session on Tupu-ake in February, and during the entire hour, we were only able to access the Available CAAs' record and GIS Map Viewer twice. This error makes it impossible to complete any tasks for clients requiring the use of the GIS Map Viewer.
We have asked TUR-NZFS to address these issues. We will advise the date they are remedied.
Disclaimer: Notes to Carbon Farmers includes information on practice issues for Carbon Farmers compliments of GreenXperts Limited. These notes are for information only and do not constitute advice of any kind. GreenXperts Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for any use of this information by any party. Updates on factual matters will occur as needed, and will be posted on this Blog Category from time to time. Please contact us directly with any queries.