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Extra $10,000 - $235,000 annual carbon credit revenue handy for farmers in tough times

Writer's picture: Susan HarrisSusan Harris

Source: GreenXperts Limited Imagery 2023

The first four months of 2024 have proved to be difficult for many pastoral farmers with income from traditional products noticeably depressed. Log markets are no better, with reliance on a single major export market proving unwise.

Our work with many farmers throughout New Zealand has proven to us, once again, that they are tough and resilient people, with most operating their farms on a multi-income basis. Sheep meat, wool, and beef incomes are supplemented with honey enterprises, orcharding, farm-forestry, carbon farming, tourism ventures, and property development in some places.

We have been pleased to help farmer clients capture the carbon farming opportunities present on their land. Carbon credit values earned from newly registered forests, including young regenerating native forest, is in the order of $10,000 - $235,000 for our clients in 2023. This depends on the species, size and age of the forest. The recent drop in carbon prices has been disappointing, but even at these lower values the additional money is very worthwhile. Our MyCarbon® app projections help our clients better understand their likely carbon revenue yields for future years, assisting with farm financial planning.

Many more farms have carbon-ready regenerating native forests and areas of hard country that could be planted for carbon. Typically we see these areas being transformed from historically zero yield paddocks into carbon forest blocks with positive revenues in two-to-three year timeframes. Those with sufficient trees of the right age group who put their carbon forests into the NZETS in 2022 are now picking up carbon credits earned in the 2023 year and will continue to do so in the future.

Carbon credit revenue has proved a timely additional income source for farmers in tough times.

Contact Us if you wish us to give you a free "heads-up" on possibilities for your property.


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